Friday, June 8, 2007











“天气不好,人很容易生病的。” 这是几天前,老妈生病时,老爸对我说的一句话。











后记:“阿姨,你的方法真的很管用咧,我贴了退热贴后,烧就退了,吃了你叫妈妈买的药,我不吐了,我已经好咯。” 电话那端传来小甥女开朗的声音。。。“没事就好。” 我发出会心的一笑。。。


Nee Keong said...

weather is getting worst every year, temperature also getting higher and higer each year, yesterday heard radio (news) say, those scientiest say Bangkok might become city of water one day... Ice is melting from Arctic, water level is getting higher, trees are getting lesser. Good oxygen is getting lesser too...

Although, ya, we human are easy to match with different weather and environment... but... somehow, thats not the point too.

In fact, last weekend, i went to makan with a friend, we park our car behind the shop, and go in from door behind, when we walk through the lorong, there are a lot of air cond compressor that create lots of heat air, we cover our face to walk it through... and i told my friend, : Imagine here only few air compressor and it is so hot and creating so much heat air for at least 8 hours everyday, imagine those big factory, big building, big city, big country... in spite of that... how many cars are creating bad air every minutes... and it is getting more and more and getting worst and worst minute by minute, i really can't imagine "End of the World" is getting nearer and nearer. Imagine 30 years ago, the weather is so fine... when kids that time, I even can tell whats the time by just looking at sky (that time i still don't know how to see clock). Now??? Hmmm...

Not only us getting sick, the earth also getting sick.... and in fact, we are the virus who is making earth getting worst.

Maybe one day, the earth might give antibiotic to kill all the "virus" (us).... a BIG earthquake, a BIG tsunami, and wipe us all away and get itself REBORN.

angel said...

We make the earth sick, and the weather make us sick, is this what we called revenge??

Change of weather is one of the way the earth making its complain to us.... and this is just a small complain...hope that it won't give us big big complain...omg....

Nee Keong said...

this revenge might came in slowly and slowly.... maybe the earth is using the "boiling frog" technique.... But anyway, we are the one controling the fire but we ourselves didn't really realise it.

Anonymous said...


here I am again looking at problems.. problems.. problems.. but there are just so many problems around!!!!!

if we could stand having 1 or 2 worms in our vegie, we wouln't have to eat so much chemical and insecticide.

if we could stand the heat a little, we will not have so much air conditionals to make the air so hot.

oh well...

Anonymous said...

more then 180 ppl just died in India coz of heat.
the most serious global warming case in history.

so many ppl still think using less plastic bags and tissues are ridiculous... we don't realise what kind of a world we are leaving behind to our children and their children.

angel said...
