Friday, April 27, 2007


治安亮起红灯,笨珍也不能幸免。几天前父亲友人A 君在LorongDamai的家就成了“梁上君子”下手的目标。。

A君一家人白天都各自上班去,家里一个人也没有。就在中午时分,住在隔壁的邻居听到A君家传来“tiktik taktak”的声响。好奇驶使下,打开窗户一看,一位身穿长袖上衣,打领带,打扮得斯斯文文的青年人正尝试撬开A君家的篱笆。而路旁有一辆同党的轿车在接应。


不久后,A君的儿子回来了。再次拨电报警,希望警方能前来收集证据。而我们的警察老兄,又再次。。。嘿嘿。。。躲得无影无踪。A君的儿子一气之下,亲自到警局去,才很荣幸的请到两位警察大哥到家里来。。。警察大哥左看看,右看看,说了一句“Kami akan siasat”。走了。

事后才知道,那位年青人在对A君家下手之前,已经在同一条Lorong的另一户人家“干了一翻大事业”,而在失手于A君家后,又继续往Api Api干案去。结果Api Api两户人家“惨遭毒手”。






Anonymous said...

It is sad to see what's happening to the police attitude, same goes to a lot of school teachers. When reading the story I feel angry, but when finished reading the part you asked - where is their motivation when they started their career as policemen? Makes me think about most designers too. When we started, we all loved it, but as we move along, we have to drag ourselves to work most of the time, and drag ourselves to go home after long hours of "labour". Where is our motivation?!!!

Chong Nee Keong said...

Police, aii... most of Malaysian already quite 麻木 and don't give much expectation on them. Whenever meet them on the road and block by them, sure don't have any good thing will happen. Most of the time they will ask you to treat them drink kopi, somemore say 1 cup not enough, coz their colleagueS also wish to drink. Remember got one time, i had an car accident in Penang, 4 cars bang together, went to the police station to do report, Wait half an hour till 1 hour, finally is my turn, the officer asked for my ic/driving licence to do some filing, after that he ask me do i know how to type, i say yes... he then turn monitor towards me and pass me the keyboard, and ask me to type the car accident story myself. WOW... GENG. So.... basically, i also can become police officer (对唔住,我系差人。。。 from 无间道)