Monday, April 30, 2007

国际不打小孩日--- International Spankout Day

你知道吗,今天4 月30 日,是 Spankout Day,也就是“不打小孩日”。我也是刚从报章上得知的。。。

根据报章上的报导,1998年,美国的一个民间组织---- 有效管教中心(CED),有感于体罚加诸儿童的伤害,选定4月30日为“不打小孩日”,由美国终止体罚组织 (EPOCH-USA)支援,藉由各式活动来向社会大众宣导反体罚的儿童人权观。


这个特别的日子,在不同的国家有不同的名称。有的国家叫这天为 NoHitting Day,有的国家叫它 NoSmacking Day,香港称之为“无巴掌日”。台湾,则在2006年正式以“不打小孩日”响应国际,呼吁“不打小孩,以手传爱”。




Chong Nee Keong said...

hmm.... i really don't know got this 国际不打小孩日... maybe if this day is a holiday, people might take it more seriously. People only remember this event when the date is coming... like 地球日 we should love the earth, 母亲节should remember to treat mom good... But i think we shouldn't set a DATE for it, but really do it everyday. Anyway, is good also to have this day... better we set more day like "国际不打爸爸日", "国际不打妈妈日", "国际不贪污日", "国际不打战日" , "国际不讲粗口日", "国际笑口常开日", "国际货币率统一日","国际不种族岐视日" etc... and all set it to holiday, so people might remember it at least. Now days we are talking about "globalization" right? so... why not.

Chong Nee Keong said...
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angel said...

NK,you really geng oh... if every 节日set as holiday....imagine, if we have 365 个 special 节日,then we need not work liao... or we may only need to work for one day if that year have 366 days ... what will happen to this world... haha...

anyway... i like your idea !!!